Saturday 27 October 2012

SNEAK PREVIEW: Magazine racks - something unique

Here is a sneak preview of one of the fantastic products we will be having in the store. These are magazine racks, in the shape of either a sitting dog or a standing dog. What is great about this design is that they are bought flat-packed and can be easily assembled. they simply slot into each other. The piece is light, fun, affordable and completely original to Cape Town and HOME AFFAIRS mid century FURNITURE.The magazines racks are 60x50cm each and will retail for R650.

Monday 22 October 2012

HOME AFFAIRS mid century FURNITURE opens in Woodstock

HOME AFFAIRS mid century FURNITURE is about to go from an online furniture store to a fully fledged retail store. We will be located at 407 Albert Road Woodstock cape Town. In plain English about 20m from the entrance to the Biscuit Mill gates, just 3 shops down from the CAT"S MEOW and BIG BLUE.
We will be opening our doors to trade at 9am on Thursday 1 November 2012.

Below I have added 2 images (koki pen illustrations) of what the store is going to look like. Think those wonderfull simple lines of mid century furniture in clear primary colours, with playfull cushions, lampshades, and elegant home decor items.

Your home is your playground, a mix of your personality and elegant living. That is what we are hoping to bring you at HOME AFFAIRS mid century FURNITURE.

Please come and say hello and have a look at wonderfull selection of furniture and home decor items.
